Wake up, ideally at 06:00, or even earlier. Waking up later than 9 or 10 is automatically disappointing. The reason is morning being the best part of the day. Check the hour on the phone, get up and freshen up. If you need to go out today, check the temperature on the phone. Put on a black hoodie, black leggins, short socks. If it's a bit cold, put on a longsleeve under, longer socks, a neckerchief. Brush your teeth, brush your hair, if you have time put on mascara and moisturize. Assemble your bag: a heart shaped box, napkins, wet napkins, water, one piece of candy, headphones, phone, two pens, occasionally a book. Look at least three times in a mirror before leaving. Put on black converses. Make sure you locked the door, because you forget to too often. Leave. It's a long road to travel. Get back home. Change your clothes. Unplug your headphones. Make and eat dinner while watching something on cytu.be. Rest. Occasionally eat a dessert. Spend more time on the internet. Check your messages, emails, deadlines, works. Occasionally have some fun on the internet by talking to people or researching topics. Do some work or watch some movies to let time flow by. Check your skin situation, if you've been scratching again during sleep disinfect and put on band aids on your fingers. Moisturize your eternally dry hands. Eat some sort of fruit, vegetable and candy at least once a day. Drink as much water as you can, usually resulting in 500ml a day. Eat more. Turn off all lights once it gets dark in order to get ready to sleep and fall asleep more easily. Never use your phone in the evening, hours before you go to sleep. Go wash yourself, brush your teeth, your hair, moisturize. Go to sleep. If you can't fall asleep, take 1mg of melatonin. You will either have a good sleep or trouble falling asleep. Wake up, mood ruined by negative dreams, nightmares, stupid dreams, trouble with the police, cars, prison, hospitals, dreaming useless people or those who I hate or don't like, dreaming things I avoid to think about, stupid, useless years of middle school or high school, useless people from the past which don't mean anything to me. Have an okay dream, it doesn't influence my mood. Dreams of dead people, fantasies, made up memories. Great dreams which lift my mood. I have no memory of those.